Rowan Class
Welcome to Rowan Class. We are currently made up of 22 wonderful children in Year Five and Year Six. In Class, Mrs Holgate and Mr Knaggs are our current Class Teachers and we are joined by Mrs Carr and Mrs Bennell who are our amazing ETA's. On a Friday afternoon we are also joined by Mr Ruston who teaches us PE.
Please remember, if you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to ask. Feel free to catch us on the door, e-mail via the school office or arrange a telephone call. We are always more than happy to help!
Within Rowan Class we enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum and learn through a wide range of different exciting activities. We are encouraged to develop resilience and to become independent learners. Our class members enjoy taking on a variety of different roles and responsibilities around school, from carrying out jobs like assembly attendants to being buddies to our youngest children. To see the topics we will be learning this term please see our Autumn newsletter below.
Useful Infomation
Reading at home
Some children from Rowan will bring home a banded book and all Rowan children will bring home a reading book for pleasure. Please read with your child and note in their reading records at least three times a week.
Spellings will be set each Monday and will be tested the following Monday. These are on the spelling overview for the term, explaining when each set of spellings will be given and when they will be tested. Games and activities are set on Spelling Shed to help the children learn these each week. You can follow the link below to access Spelling Shed.
Multiplication Tables
All children have a login to practise their times tables on TT Rockstars. This should be done at least three times a week. There will be house competitions for the children to participate in to encourage them to complete these practise sessions. You can follow the below link to access TT Rokstars.
Homework will be set on a Friday which consists of a weekly task in either English or Maths to be completed on Learning by Questions (LbQ). Rowan Class members enjoy completing tasks in this manner and it will help to consolidate their learning from the classroom. You can follow the link below to access Learning by Questions.